Helena Baker, Chodouň 82, 267 51 Zdice, Czech Rep. tel: +420 606 751 845 email: helena@bakerwine.cz
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JM Víno


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Luboš Bárta
It's been five years since the web site Sommelier-Revue pro Hotel & Restaurant magazine published the following little gem:
Cembrit a.s.
Wine for Christmas or a poisoned chalice?
NEWSLETTER publishing
And yet another queer firm from Beroun...
Víno & Styl
Czech wine magazine "Víno & Styl" steals articles not only from the internet and various blogs, but they even tried it from the offical web presentation of the Italian Trade Office...
Wine & Degustation
"Glossy" wine magazine's case of the pot calling the kettle black and much much worse...

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